Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Night of the Living Computer*

It’s like we woke up inside a horror movie– we are being attacked by zombies.

Night of the Living Dead

Yes. It’s true. Real life is imitating art (if you’re willing to call Night of the Living Dead “art”). We really are under attack by zombies– only our zombies aren’t trying to eat our flesh, they are trying to sell us bootleg Ph@rmacuticals and cheap V1@gra, fake Rolex watches, and steal our identities. [note in the photo how the zombie is reaching for the wallet?]

In real life, our zombies can’t claw at us directly and they don’t have teeth. Our zombies are computers. Our computers. And they attack via e-mail and the Internet. Like the zombies in Night, they spread the zombie disease by infection. Differently, our zombies aren’t mindless; they’re controlled by villains (aka “cyber-criminals”).

Yes. Your computer may be a zombie, and odds are you wouldn’t know.

If it isn’t a zombie (yet), it is constantly under the attack of infection via the Internet. An unprotected computer, connected to the Internet, will be infected within 8 minutes (12 seconds in a recent test).
90 to 95% of all Internet traffic traveling the wires is zombie-generated junk e-mail that’s either a fraud attempt or (and?) loaded with malware– the “attack”.

How did this happen? Well, part of it is the Tech Industry’s fault (see, How the Tech Industry is Failing You), either unintentionally, or through lack of foresight, or through willful negligence and the rush to market. Security either wasn’t considered, or it was too expensive.
Nobody predicted the nerdy hackers evolving into the organized, well-financed, Mafia-style criminal gangs of today.
And they put too-powerful, fully-capable machines into the hands of the unwashed masses– us.
The rest of it is our fault.

* We let our antivirus expire and, every day, close the warning.
* We think we’ve just won the British Lottery.
* We still run Windows 98 because we’re “comfortable with it”.
* We cannot resist ‘free’ pornography.
* We cannot be bothered with those REALLY ANNOYING little windows that pop open at the worst times and tell us that a “newer version is available.”
* When someone tries to tell us about our machines, they start using big words in a funny language and we ‘tune out’.
* We believe that everything computer-related should be free, so we download cracked (aka “pirated”) software, bootleg music and video, and we don’t care who or where it comes from.

I could go on and on and on (and on, believe me!).

Yes.. we are our own worst enemies. But, you don’t have to be a part of the problem. And you don’t have to learn a big word-filled foreign language (aka “Geek speak”) to avoid the zombie attack.

Today’s free link: I have put together a list of proactive steps every computer user should know.. a checklist. In it you will find links to free, safe, and effective methods for protecting your computer, and keeping it safe. Please look over, Top 10 Things You Should Do To Your Computer. And then do us all a favor, pass the list on to your friends who have computers.

* Orig post: 08/18/08

Today's free download: RUBotted by Trend Micro (see below)

Today's free link: RUBotted is a program that can help detect if your machine has been zombie-ified, and Bill Mullins has written a good description/review of it, here (he also posts the download link, so you can visit there and don't need to return here..) Catch the Bad Bots with Free RUBotted from Trend Micro

Copyright 2007-9 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.jaanix post to jaanix

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Smartphones On The Cheap

Are your seatbelts fastened? I'm about to shock you, Dear Reader.

I found a How To better than any I have ever written. Below is the link and some snippets..

How to use a Blackberry Smartphone with a cheap “Pay As You Go” mobile phone plan…


"I love my gadgets, and when opportunity presents itself to try something different, I cannot resist.

The object of the this story is to demonstrate how I maximized the usage of a Blackberry Smartphone using one of the cheapest mobile phone plans out there...

I have always been fascinated with PDA’s, have owned quite a few, and was currently looking for something that would provide PDA capabilities, as well as, mobile phone capabilities. I did not want to pay a lot or get trapped into a lengthy service contract with a mobile phone provider just to own a computer in my pocket..."

I believe that this article will appeal to (and inform) any "user level" -- from those who have managed to avoid these fancy gadgets, to texting über-ninjas. I highly recommend clicking the link (above) and giving this one a read.

I tip both my writer's cap and my geek hat to Rick Robinette (blog= What's On My PC) and I thank him for permission for these snippets.

Copyright 2007-9 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.jaanix post to jaanix
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Video: Identity Theft Prevention

This short video offers some excellent advice on steps you can take for protecting yourself from Identity Theft.

Copyright 2007-9 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.jaanix post to jaanix
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Worldwide Telescope Now In Your Browser

A while ago now, I shared with my readers my visit to Microsoft Research headquarters here in the Silicon Valley, where I witnessed the "unveiling" of a new application called "the worldwide telescope".
(please see, The WorldWide Telescope: An amazing app)

IMHO, this is simply the best exploration and education tool for astronomy (though you can explore our Earth quite impressively too) available.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2247608&w=425&h=350&fv=playerType%3Dembedded%26amp%3Btype%3Did%26amp%3Bvalue%3D32446]

So, I was rather pleased to read on C/Net's News that this terrific program has been 'ported' for use via a Silverlight-enabled web browser (Internet Explorer). Download the "client" (a plug-in) and you can now browse the heavens anywhere, anytime.

Instead of Copy > Paste-ing, I'll just refer you to the C/Net article, for details.

Copyright 2007-9 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.jaanix post to jaanix
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