Monday, September 22, 2008


Folks, two weeks ago I wrote an article advising you to immediately delete, unopened, these types of e-mail.. which are inevitably forwarded to us by well-meaning friends and family.
There's one going around right now, warning about "the worst virus ever".

Please read, SEND THIS E-MAIL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!, and then please forward it to those friends and family members who show a proclivity to be helpful and concerned -- and fall for this scam. (You know who they are.)

These e-mails will contain an image (attachment) which will automatically be downloaded and displayed when you open the e-mail -- please see, HTML e-mail and image spam (repost) -- which automatically gives the cyber-criminal a matching valid e-mail address and machine/IP address-- yours.

You don't need to click any links, you just need to view the message, and the damage is done.

So even though the Subject line advises DO NOT DELETE, go ahead and do so-- immediately and unopened. You'll be protecting your Inbox and Identity.

Today's free link: Today's link is to a bargain shopper's Website recommended to me by a Loyal Friend and True of Tech--for Everyone. has the steals, online coupons, price comparisons, and forums you're looking for.

Copyright 2007-8 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.jaanix post to jaanix

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