Some of us are just great big kids at heart, and I have to confess to you that I have a little bit of that syndrome too. Besides being a World Renown Tech Journalist and Ace Computer Support Technician and all that other grown-up stuff-- I am also a gamer.
Yes, it's true: looking at a the insides of an "UG rig" (high-performance computer specially built for 3D video game excellence) makes my pulse quicken.
No, I have not ever attended a LAN Party (or convention) and generally never play "multiplayer" games online... and no, I did not spend more on my rig than I did on my car. But I have been a gamer since.. well, let's just call it "the beginning".
"Hail to the king, baby."
Everybody has their favorite game, or at least, a favorite genre. Whether that be cards-- like Solitaire, Texas Holdem, and Pinochle, or puzzles-- like Sudoku, Mah Jong, and Scrabble, or simulators-- like Need for Speed, The Sims, and Combat Flight Simulator 2 or Sports, or Strategy, or Arcade.. or Fantasy/Adventure.. (am I forgetting any?)
Mine happens to be the Call of Duty series, which is a combat simulator of the "first-person shooter" 'genre', and is affectionately known as "CoD".
Infinity Ward rocks.
The latest release of Call of Duty was CoD 4 -- Modern Warfare, which if I remember correctly, was released in time for Christmas last year. I think it did pretty good in sales... (over 7 million units in 2007).
This year, Activision is again releasing its big title in time for the Holiday shopping season, and CoD 5 -- World At War is set to hit the shelves November 11th. But you can "pre-buy" it now.
That's right, I said pre-buy. Pay now, and get the actual game later.
Some of you might find that concept a little odd, but us gamers know that this ensures that we won't have to stand in line or face an empty shelf, and that we sometimes get a special bonus for pre-ordering (and, it gives us something to talk about to our gamer friends/rivals).
I was determined not to let myself get too excited about a game that isn't even out yet.. especially when I had read that CoD 5 was not a Infinity Ward title, but a Treyarch (they were the authors of CoD 3, which was never ported to the PC, and generally received bad reviews). But I have seen the trailer and YouTube videos of gameplay, and I'm hooked.
I know what I'm gonna ask Santa for this year.
Today’s free link: for those of you who prefer arcade style games, download Mega Mario. Featuring the Mario Brothers — first introduced in Donkey Kong — this classic arcade game works on all versions of Windows.
Copyright 2007-8 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.
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