IE 8 is an "Important" Update, Yes, But I Don't Want It
Sometimes we need to tell Windows Update to stop prompting us to install a particular Update.
When Microsoft has released important and/or critical Updates (aka "patches") for us, Windows has various ways of letting us know, including a System Tray icon.
I am a big fan of Updates. I (almost) always install them the moment I become aware of them. I use Secunia's Personal Software Inspector to keep an eye on all my installed programs' update state.. and I recommend you do too. Updates are 'good' and you want them.
Tip of the day: Manage Windows Updates prompts.
Currently, Microsoft Update is annoying me be continuously nagging me that there are Updates available. And when I click on the icon to see just what these updates are...
.. and I see that there is just one Update Microsoft wants me to install (the others only rate "optional") -- Internet Explorer 8.
Now, I understand why Microsoft wants us to be using a more secure browser (and I understand why it's considered "important") and I will upgrade from IE7 on most of my machines -- but not all. Not yet.
So I right-click on the Update I don't want to be nagged about and then click on "Hide update".
That's it. I'm done. Windows Update will no longer prompt me to install this 'hidden' update. At a later date, to see Updates that I've hidden, I just click on "Show hidden updates". I can undo my change.
Note: This technique can be used on troublesome Updates that cause incompatibility issues such as BSOD. If a Windows Update install causes you trouble, and you need to uninstall it, the "Hide" tip won't help you (it's too late). Please refer to the 3rd answer in this article, IE’s Menu bar, Taskbar icons, and bad Updates*, to see how to remove Updates.
After you get that Update uninstalled, use the Hide feature to prevent Windows Update from re-Installing it on you.
Today's free link: Panda Cloud Antivirus - Free Cloud Protection
Panda Security has launched a brand new type of antivirus, and Security blogger Bill Mullins has this excellent write up.
"FREE, antivirus thin-client service for consumers which is able to process and block malware more efficiently than locally installed signature-based products."
Today's free download: Adeona is the first Open Source system for tracking the location of your lost or stolen laptop that does not rely on a proprietary, central service. This means that you can install Adeona on your laptop and go.
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