Friday, April 3, 2009

From the How Cool Is That? Department

I like to post "lighter" articles on Fridays, and I have been saving this one for today. By now, your eye has glimpsed the picture of nightstand. And, maybe, you're wondering why a piece of furniture is being shown on a Tech website..

Media Center PC

Well, the reason for that is that this chest of drawers is interesting.
(Yes, Paul. Fine. But, interesting how?)

This nightstand (or.. whatever) is not really a chest of drawers at all, but is - in reality - a Media serving computer.


While "researching" the latest high-end Gaming Rigs (read "goofing off") the other day, I decided to take a look at what people had submitted lately in the way of case mods.

Mixed in with the usual assortment of glowing, multi-fanned, custom painted, hard-core, high-performance gamers was.. this. And by contrast alone it caught my eye.
(I have never mentioned this here before, but old Tech Paul has watched the New Yankee Workshop a time or two.)

A fella by the name of Kyle Shipp took a bunch of old computer parts, and assembled them inside this $20 chest he found at Target. He has posted a webpage describing the process.. and it has a bunch of pictures of the stages. You can see how it was done, here.

Very thought provoking, and I bet it looks good in his living room.

Today's free download: 360Desktop (This is one you should look at, because I really can't describe it..)
* Get more desktop space for everything you like to do
* Take your favorite content from across the web and put it on your desktop
* Choose from an endless selection of 360° wallpaper you download, create & share.

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