Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Video Tutorial - WIFI Antenna Boost

How can I boost my signal strength?

Folks, I have been asked many times about what can be done to improve the wireless signal produced by a home router/WAP. And, like so many things in life, there is no one, single, best answer. A weak signal slows you down, and can cause "connectivity issues" (aka "disconnects").

Methods for a stronger signal, at a greater distance, include:
* Replace your router's firmware with a Linux-based system that allows for "antenna gain" adjustment. (Advanced) -- free.
* Add a "reflector" (Simple) -- free.
* Replace your antenna with a "signal boosting" (aka "range extending") antenna, or a directional antenna. (Simple) -- $25.
* Upgrade to a Wireless N router. (Simple) -- $100.

I recommend the last option. Wireless N routers are quite reasonably priced now. But, as I mentioned in If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It*, some people have a need to "tweak" and "hack", and try to give things "more power" (ala Tim "The Toolman" Taylor). If you're one of them, check out this video...
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2167311&w=425&h=350&fv=]
more about "WIFI Antenna Hack!", posted with vodpod

.. and should you decide to try this at home, of course, you will be doing so "at your own risk", and any sane person would have six paragraphs of legalese here. I will simply say that, if you open up your existing antenna, and it is a plain wire as shown in the video, and does NOT have a dipole, you can do this and expect a modest improvement.

And, you may want to look around the Internet some. There are, literally, thousands of these hacks and tips.

Copyright 2007-9 © Tech Paul. All rights reserved.jaanix post to jaanix

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