Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Noteworthy Achievement

Folks, I can tell you you that being an Internationally Renown 6 days-a-week Tech Blogger is a challenging, difficult, and often unrewarding endeavor. Coming up with fresh topics, properly doing your research, writing and rewriting, etc. is time consuming, and it's work.
On an ad-free site, such as this one, there is no (read $0.00) financial reward.

So why do people blog? Or, maybe a better question is, why does the number of blogs double every six months? Can you earn a living blogging?
(an absolutely wonderful in-depth article looking at these questions can be found here, {yes, it's a bit dated, but still accurate.})

The fact is: something like 90% of all blogs fail (or, "go inactive") within just a few months. Or sooner.

One thing that that keeps me going is the support I've received from fellow bloggers.. and another is stats.

My Website statistics show me all kinds of interesting things about you, the "site visitor" -- the most important one (to me, anyway) is how many of you are there?
If I went to all this work and trouble, wrote 400 How-To's, and only six people read them (total)... well, even a dim bulb like me would figure out that I could spend my time more wisely.

Which brings me to today's title:
There are some rewards to being a member of the Tech Blogger community, and one closest to my heart is the support I've received and friendships I have made since starting Tech--for Everyone.

And so I would like to point your attention to a man whose Tech Blog Bill_Mullins was the very first one I put on my "Blogroll", and ask you indulge me while I acknowledge what to me is a remarkable achievement.

Bill Mullins launched his Website, titled, Bill Mullins’ Weblog - Tech Thoughts -- Security and System Tools and Tips. Software Reviews, News, Views, Downloads and Links on January 1st of this year. It has not quite reached its first 'birthday'.

Since I discovered his site, I have referred my readers to several of his articles, and generally recommended it every chance I had-- but most especially when he would share his security expertise with his readers, and/or warn of a new cyber-crime threat.
I consider his site an invaluable resource, and wish every web surfer would read it (and follow his advice).

Today, when I looked at his site, I noticed that his StatCounter showed over 500,000 visits. Wow! Remember when I said 90%+ fail within weeks? Well, there's also another factor... most blog viewers land on a handful of "popular sites".. and bloggers like me get the crumbs.
500,000 readers in less than a year is remarkable!

So I invite you to join me in congratulating Mr. Mullins on a job well-done, and suggest to you that you click here and take a look-see at his site if you haven't done so yet.

PS-- No. Mr. Mullins did not pay me to write this (and is probable unaware that I have). Remember? $0.00?

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